News and Articles

Effective 21 December 2023, we are thrilled to announce our new partnership with Finanalyze FP, and the subsequent evolution of our name to Forbes Fava Saville Financial Planning.

Forbes Fava Saville appoints a new GM Operations

Read more about the new new GM of Operations

Hello to all our valued clients and business partners. I just wanted to send out a quick message today to all of you as the majority of our clients are within Victoria. And without stating the obvious, some are doing it a little tougher than others.

We just wanted to remind you all that we are all human. And if you require anything, please pick up the phone.

Just to give you an update on our office, staff are working from home, they’re still working at full capacity. And like all of us are abiding by the rules and regulations that have been thrust upon us in this current pandemic. We just wanted to let you know that we’ve almost achieved 100% vaccination right within our own staff. And once the team is able to see you, when we get a lockdown, you’ll all be able to feel safe in the knowledge that we’re all vaccinated. And we are very much looking forward to all of you coming into the office sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, we’ve not had the full opportunity yet to introduce Michael Fava, and also for all of us to get to know Mike’s clients personally a little better.

Just to give you an idea, though, on some of the things that we’ve been doing to try and keep it as normal as possible in the office, we have been trying to maintain our normal rituals, routines, keeping our minds busy, we’ve been maintaining the exercise, maintaining our health through healthy eating, and drinking. And one of the good things or the big things that I’ve been trying to do personally is not reading or following any social media professors, we don’t have any scientific or medical backgrounds or qualifications.

We understand that the social part is a significant impact on a lot of people. Some of the things that we’re doing in the office that we’re checking in each day at 9.10am and 1.10pm, and we call it our daily huddle. We’re just doing this to keep in contact, keep up to date. And to keep everybody motivated. And moving forward. We have introduced some stupid jokes. And we’re also trying to keep each other engaged as possible in a virtual environment. We also introduced a little activity, where we updated our backgrounds in our virtual environment and spoke about why that was important to us, and why it was significant.

We hope, trust and pray that you’re all safe and well. We’re looking forward to seeing all of you personally very soon. We are here to serve you after all.

If there’s anything you feel we could increase, implement or even provide to you that would be a value, please do not hesitate to let us know.

If you’re looking for a little bit of mental gymnastics, potentially for your children or even your grandchildren. What I am going to do is just go through a couple of little riddles that perhaps you might be able to go through with either your children or your grandchildren.

The first one is what has to be broken before you can use it?

An egg.

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?


If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?


As I’m doing this video, it is Father’s Day on Sunday. So Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, their grandfathers and significant men in their children’s lives. So, just to celebrate Father’s Day this Sunday, I thought I might just leave you with a great dad joke.

Did you hear the joke about the roof?

Nevermind, it’s over your head anyway.

Thanks, guys. Stay safe everyone. We’re really looking forward to seeing you soon. Take care and reach out if you need anything.

Bye for now.